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Marie Gérardin


Marie Gérardin
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Master's student



514-987-3000, ext 2927

Université du Québec à Montréal
Pavillon des sciences biologiques, SB-2805
2080 St-Urbain
Montréal, Québec
H2X 3X8


Completed Diploma(s)



Emissions of CO2 and CH4 in boreal streams represent a substantial component of the global carbon cycle. These gases can be produced within the water column or transported from adjacent soils. However, the lack of data on these processes limits our understanding of the origin of CO2 and CH4 in streams. The objective of my project is to assess the relative contribution of external versus internal processes to CO2 and CH4 concentrations and emissions along a boreal river network (order 0 to 6). To do so, I will use a novel approach based on a gas tracer method (222Radon isotope) to measure groundwater inputs and calculate internal production of CO2 and CH4.




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